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Then spake the Lord to Paul in the night by a vision (Act 18:9)

Don’t you just love the book of Acts? Acts is like being in the Church’s birthing room. The Church’s formative years are fascinating to me as a missionary. The book is replete with interesting characters like Peter who goes from fisherman to fisher of men and Saul of Tarsus who transforms from raving maniac Christian killer to nearly being killed for being a Christian. The Gospel goes from seeming humble beginnings to nearly conquering the Roman Empire.

Paul’s salvation is a pivotal part of the account. He was possessed. If you don’t believe me try tracing his journeys on Google Earth most of which he made on foot. He was seemingly always on the move.

Just the other day, on a lark, I walked ten kilometers. I nearly died as a result. Paul walked and walked and walked some more. He was incessant because he was on a God given mission!

Do you ever think of the him being afraid of anything? He seems more like Superman than a scaredy cat. However, I came across a verse in chapter 18 that lead me to believe that even Paul got scared at times. In verse 9 Jesus says, in a vision, “Be not afraid”. Now, my question is, “Does one say these words to a fearless person?” I don’t think so.

It is often at night that I am most afraid? Things can seem so daunting when I’m all alone in the dark. Imagine the encouragement then as Paul hears Jesus say, “Don’t be afraid.” Don’t be afraid Paul because:

  • I am with you
  • No one will harm you
  • I have much people in this place

Man! That would be a missionary’s dream (pun intended). Paul received assurance of three important truths and all from the Author and finisher of the Faith Jesus Christ. As a result of this vision Paul remained in Corinth for another year and a half teaching the Word of God.

One might be tempted to say, “If I knew what Paul knew I would be more excited and active in sharing my faith!” Hold the phone Mable! You DO know what Paul knew and much more!

Think of it this way. You will not hear Jesus voice until you step onto the heavenly shore but you have His Word. In that Word He tells you what He told Paul. I know that you know this but look at a couple of references with me.

John 14.1 Let not your heart be troubled…. Granted these words were spoken to Jesus’ disciples but isn’t that what you are?
Matthew 28.20 lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Jesus’ last words to you and me His disciples.
However, it is that last phrase that I’d love to know, where Jesus said, I have much people in this city (Acts 18.10). Wait a minute! What did Jesus tell Paul here? I have much.… How much is “much”? Isn’t it interesting that Jesus didn’t say, “I have 1001, 10,001 or 41.”

If I have 41 grains of sand in my eye that is MUCH grains of sand! In my estimation 41 potential believers in a city of 30,000 doesn’t seem like much but Jesus left the numbers out of the equation. Thus Paul stayed for another sixteen months preaching the word. The much were won and he moved on.

Do you think that Jesus has much people in your city? Don’t wait for a vision just get busy. Know that you don’t need to be afraid because he is with, you. You will probably not be harmed and you don’t need the numbers! Share your vision with someone today and let Jesus work.


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