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Showing posts from May, 2005


What can I learn about God in the Psalms? Here are some of the things that I discovered this morning in my time in Psalm 7-11. Psalm 7 He is a refuge for the frightened. He gets angry at sin. He is a shield, savior, relentless, and a righteous ruler. I can trust the LORD Most High to protect me in His righteous judgment from any and all foes. Psalm 8 His Name is majestic. He is all glorious. He is creator of heavens, angels, and man. He alone delegates authority. I am important to God. He has plans and promises for me. His Name is majestic. Psalm 9 He is glorious and worthy of praise. He is the giver of goodness. He defends the right and the righteous and destroys the wicked. He is the ever reigning righteous judge, a refuge, stronghold, trustworthy, and faithful. He gives hope and is merciful. Psalm 10 At times he seems distant. However, he sees trouble and considers grief. He helps and defends the fatherless and is King forever. Psalm 11 He is a refuge and rules both from his temple ...

Which Way Did He Go?

Psalm one presents a choice at the beginning of the largest book in the Bible. The Psalms are songs. The Psalms were used as a type of hymn book for Jewish worship. The book was written over hundreds of years and yet it's central theme is one. Praise the LORD! So, what choice does the first Psalm present? That of the happy man and that of the wicked man. The happy man is the one who doesn't: 1. Walk (get familiar) with wicked counselors 2. Stand (meditate) in sinful ways 3. Settle into the seat of the mocker The happy man does: 1. Delight in God's Word 2. Meditates day and night on God's precepts So doing he is like a strong healthy tree, nourished by a fresh flowing stream, who grows and bears fruit on time every time. In fact everything he does is a success! Why, because God knows his every step. So, how about that wicked man? He is like worthless fluffy chaff that blows away at the slightest breeze. He will not withstand God's judgment because he will perish. On...

Hard Questions

The last three chapters of Job are filled with hard questions that the Creator asks the created (Job). They are like a science test that Job had not studied for, nor in fact could he have. They allowed him the opportunity of introspection, and a lesson in theology (from the Theos, God Himself) that I'm certain he never forgot. Job never found out exactly why he had suffered but he did have a direct, and life changing, encounter with the God of the universe. I never want to go through what Job went through but I do want the God of the universe to mold and shape me. Molding and shaping are usually very uncomfortable processes. However, knowing that it is God who is at work in my life will help me to understand the discomfort. Father, when going through trials help me to remember Job and trust you.

Imagine a meeting with God!

Job finally hears from The One to whom he's been complaining for the past 37 chapters. And he is speechless! The Almighty speaks from the wirlwind and asks Job, "Where were you when I did all of this (creation)??" How will I feel when it is God and I time? That day is coming when I will stand in His presence. Help me to be ready Father!

God is Great God is Good

"God is great God is good, let us thank Him for this food. Amen." This simple prayer was first taught to me by my mother. Though childish it expresses three great truths: 1. God is great . His greatness encompasses the universe, yet He knows my every thought and step. 2. God is good . This is wonderful news for a sinner like me. In His goodness He provides a way to know and relate to Him. His Word explains His Way. 3. Let us thank Him . I am to be thankful. Elihu's description of God (Job 35-37) made Him seem very distant, though mighty. In fact, though He is majestic, He is intimately involved in each detail of my life. For that I can be thankful.


Do you have a friend that knows it all; or at least thinks he does? Friend "know-it-alls" can test ones patience. In fact the words don't go together well (friend/know-it-all). Job had lost everything that was dear to him (family, possessions, health) but he couldn't seem to shake his know-it-all friends. Now, the youngest of the bunch, Elihu, who has been "politely" keeping quiet, enters the attack (Job 32-34). He knows! Just ask him. If he'll let you! His bitter words are like salt in Job's wounds. I need to constantly examine my "know-it-all" attitudes. It is hard to keep quiet when you know that you know, isn't it! But, it is the soft answer that will soothe the sad ones soul. Helpful word, instead of the "first words that come to mind" are what God will use to help the helpless. Thus, though Elihu waited before he spoke, he still did not use right words to revive the ruined Job. Help me today Father to guard my tongue!

On Trial

Job put himself on trial and found himself innocent of any crime (Job 27-30). He presented his case to God Almighty for scrutiny and asked for a judgment! Am I willing to submit my life to God Almighty's perfectly just magnifying glass? Whether or not I'm willing his eyes are on the utmost details of my life 24/7. His Son, Jesus Christ, has paid the ultimate price for the penalty of my sins, but am I willing to judge them myself? I must live my life as one watched; as one under the divinely just microscope. And then only because of the blood of Christ do I have any hope of purity. However, as I meditate on the Word, depend on the Holy Spirit's power, and act in obedience to His direction, will I be able to conquer those besetting sins (a process called sanctification ). And as Jude reminds me "[Jesus] is able to keep [me] from falling, and to present [me] faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy" (Jude 24).

How's Your Theology?

Assuming that Job is one of the oldest books in the Bible, and thus that Job himself had no Bible, his theology was pretty good! He was confused in some areas but really paints an awesome picture of God Almighty. How did he know what he knew about God? He knew what he knew because of what had been passed on to him in oral tradition, probably from his own parents. Now my question to myself. How much does my family know about God because of what has been passed on to them? If their Bibles were taken away from them would they be able to defend their God from what they've been taught at home, in school, and at church? Would their God bear a good resemblance to the God of the Bible? I'd better ask them!

Soccer tournament

For months we've had no rain here in Sorocaba. Today it rained. The tournament had almost ended but we had to postpone the remaining three games until next Saturday. There were about a hundred present to hear Jackson give a very good challenge from the Word and we're praying for fruit from this big event. Stay tuned...

Our Dilemma

Eliphaz's (Job 22) reasoning is again thrown in Job's face, "If you return to the Almighty you will be restored." He will not allow himself nor Job to believe that the evil that has come to Job has been allowed by God. God, he reasons, is ready and willing to forgive and bless, if only Job will repent. (Job 23) Job feels abandoned, "Where is God?" He searches for God Almighty in every direction but yet He is not to be found. If Job were tried he would be found to be like pure gold because his way of life was spotless. Where is God when injustice is committed (Job 24)? Seemingly on one is charged with the crimes they commit. Yet, God is just. He does hold everyone accountable for their own deeds. Thus our dilemma. How can we, sinners, possibly enter into a righteous relationship with a holy God? He does indeed hold everyone accountable for their own deeds. What is impossible for man is possible with God because of His perfect plan. The death of His Son Jesus,...

Optimist or Pessimist, which are you?

Zophar (Job 20) again jumps to the conclusion that Job is suffering because he "must be" a terrible sinner (only a wicked man would be so roughly treated by God). Job (Job 21) counters Zophar's argument with his own insight, "It seems that the wicked are often untouched by trials." They, and their descendants, live in peace and die without suffering. How could God possibly be a part of this equation? It's not logical! It's not fair! I, like Job, when going through difficult situations tend to focus on the negative. My perspective is tainted by my problems. No matter how disturbing the difficulty I must never forget that nothing has touched me (body, mind, or soul) except that which has first touched the careful hand of my Father. " Optimism is akin to faith; pessimism is akin to doubt. To which are you akin?" (Daily Walk May 23, 1980)

Esperança (Hope)

Job 19 - Job's hope was in his Redeemer alone. He'd been mercilessly attacked by everyone, even seemingly that Redeemer, but he would not allow himself to lose his Hope. His Redeemer ( Defender is another translation of that word) was alive and coming to earth. He would rescue and judge! Hope (Psalm 25:3;42:5) for some; fear (Psalm 1:5) for others. Which is yours? Speaking of hope, I was able to lead a young couple to Christ on Tuesday night! Now that is exciting stuff I might add. Pray for Cristiano and Aline as I disciple them over the next few weeks.

Job's Help

Job (15-17) is beside himself, not knowing how nor why God is being so ruthless with him. He uses word pictures to paint the grim scene: God you have worn me out; you have devastated my family; you have bound me; you have ripped and torn me; you have given me over to the enemy; like a lion you have grasped and crushed me; like a charging warrior you have advanced and pierced me with arrows. I am in never ending mourning, yet I am innocent! Job needed help desperately yet God allowed him to suffer . He was seemingly hopeless and God allowed him to suffer . He cried out for an advocate and God allowed him to suffer . God doesn't always answer right away so when suffering comes look to what Job didn't have, the written Word of God!

Além do Normal

The title is a Portuguese phrase that means, "Out of the Ordinary". Surely salvation is an out of the ordinary experience. A Holy God allows a lost, blind, hopeless, sinner to enter into an eternal relationship with Him. Does that make sense? Not really. However, it is Além do Normal. It is heaven sent. It was conceived in eternity past (cf. Ephesians 1:3) and will never be completely understood. It is something that no one merits, but is given freely by Grace. Why? Because God loved us so much that He sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay what we owed. For divine justice and in divine love Jesus died. For that reason we can say, "Thank You Father!"

Comprehensible vs. Incomprehensible

Why do we so often concentrate on the unknowable and ignore the understandable about God? Wiersbe says, "You cannot measure pain or the greatness of God.... These are dead-end streets. Instead lose yourself in the measureless love and power of God (Eph. 3:14-21)." I need to meditate on the understandable truths of and about God. I'll have eternity to get to know Him. And, I'll need it! (cf. John 17:3).

Life's Short, Live it UP!

Job had it right when he said that life was like a swift runner, a speed boat (swift ships), and an eagle diving for it's prey. Life is very short, even if you live to be 93. So, we should live it UP. By living it up I mean Unmistakenly Prepared for eternity, where we'll be spending most of our time. Prepared for what really matters is a good way to be. To be perpared for eternity means to have a relationship with the God of eternity. Not a "hope so", nor a "think so", but a know so relationship with the Creator. This blood bought relationship is the most precious decision that anyone could ever make. Are you living it UP?

Thinking Dogs?

Can dogs really think? In our teen Sunday school class we're studying God's purpose for our lives. During our study we discovered that only humans were created with reasoning and relational skills. As an example I gave the illustration of my dog Ursinha. She is very smart, for a dog, but does she really relate to my needs? One day I decided to test her reaction to a tragedy, I collapsed as if dead on the yard. I lay motionless for several minutes to see what she would do. Her reaction? She went off sniffing and hunting in a different direction! Now, whether that is proof positive that she doesn't give a wip about me or whether she SO smart that she knew that I wasn't dead, is up for debate. Personally I think that she has her own agenda. Mike