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Showing posts from May, 2006


Graduation time of year brings a mixture of emotions. We were able to participate in the graduation Cerimonies at LOBS (Lake Orion Baptist School) last night. It was a wonderful display of what God can do with young people. The music was heavenly, the speeches very edifying, the message (by Dr. Sam Horn from Northaland Baptist Bible College) was definitely challenging. The whole afair was delightful. If you missed it you missed a treat. With all of the gloom and doom these days with regards to our public school system, the LOBS graduation was a blessing.
Just two more months in the States! Wow. Our return to Brazil is just around the corner and we are getting excited/sad. How can it be that one is excited and sad at the same time? A missionary's life is a mixture of both sentiments. Whether in the States or in Brazil we are home but we've left someone behind. We have friends and family on both sides of the Big Waters and thus the tug on our heart strings whether here or there. Amy and Art haven't helped our situation at all with the birth of our grand daughter Caitlyn. She makes this see-saw life even a bit more difficult. She is SO funny. She is always saying the cutiest things in such cute ways. We will miss her (and her parents too, of course). These God given sentiments help us to long for Heaven don't they. There we will never part ways. We will be worshiping our Savior and God forever in His presence. Forever together!

May 16 2006

May 16, 2006   It has been awhile since I sent out a “Prayer Request” type Excerpt. This is that one.   I was talking yesterday to a lady from our church, a lady whom I've known "forever" but never really sat down and talked to. During our conversation she said to me, “I pray for you often.” While at church last week a little girl, about four years old, walked up to me and said, “I know you!!” when I asked her how she knew me she said, “Because I puay for you!”   Those are precious words to a missionary’s heart, whether coming from a four year old or a senior saint. Missionaries thrive on the prayers of their spiritual brothers and sisters. And, our God answers those prayers! Just this morning I was pouring my heart out to my heavenly Father with my “many” woes. After listing them one by one in prayer and on paper I picked up my Bible to the passage that I was to be reading in my chronological journey through the Scriptures. I opened to Psalm 40, which reads, “I waited pa...

May 14 2006

May 14, 2006 Happy Mother’s Day! God has richly blessed me with loving mothers. Mothers plural because my birth mother, who passed away just over a year ago, was such a blessing to me. She gave me life, nurtured me, and led me to her Savior. She did her best to raise me to be a follower of her Lord Jesus Christ. My children’s mother has been an even greater blessing to me. She has been with me through difficult times and wonderful times. We’ve traveled the States as newly weds and the world as missionaries. She serves selflessly and always looks to do more than expected of her. God has blessed me because Dawn is a wonderful companion and co laborer. I always think of the male of the species as a big kid who’d be totally lost without a loving mother or wife by his side. God gives the man leadership, strength, and the responsibility of headship in the family. But, without a good woman by his side his job would be an epic struggle of hardship. Thank you Father for a good mother (Venna Ard...