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Showing posts from March, 2007


Now that I look at the photo below I look pretty pathetic! This is my first surgery in 54 years and I must say that it is an eyeopener! One wing damaged gives me a completely different perspective on the handicapped. It is a humbling and frustrating adventure. I am praising the Lord that it is a temporary adventure! The half cast/Ace bandage will be on for just 10 days. Then I'll be in a brace for two months. After another two months of therapy I'll be at 85% (the Doctor reminded me that God created the arm, he could just redo it). powered by performancing firefox

On the Mend!

Praise the Lord for all of my praying friends! I went into surgery on Monday morning at 7:00 and by 8:30 was out. Literally. I stayed out for the next six and a half hours!! powered by performancing firefox


The title word means "strength" and is actually used to describe electrical power. Speaking of electrical power, would you trust this wiring job!? Would the inspector? We have been using this setup at church for about four years now. In fact this is the MAIN power source for the entire church! I recently sent out a plea for help in the "electrical" area and was pleased to receive several offers of assistance. However in my search for aid I discovered that my friend Carlinhos works with electricity all of the time and is more than willing to lend a hand in getting this mess straightened out. There is a spiritual application here. My força (strength) comes from the Master. Often I look for it in other places when in fact He is with me. In my reading this morning of Psalm 30 I noticed David's words in verse 1. I will extol thee, O LORD; for thou hast lifted me up, and hast not made my foes to rejoice over me. Another way of saying that would be "You refuse t...

They Did It Again!

Saturday night our teens went to Calvary to participate in our quarterly youth rally with New Life, and Calvary Baptist churches. It was a totally Brazilian run affair and was a lot of fun! The evening began with a treasure hunt which involved everyone. There were two teams and each was divided into three parts: The Heavy Thinkers, The Slight Runners, and the Runners. The thinkers had to decipher 45 questions from clues discovered by the other two parts of the team. In the end our team won on a technicality (but we got the chocolate!) Pastor Alexandre the younger (not to be confused with Pliny the younger) gave the devotional on being "Little Christs" from Philippians 2:5. Of course afterwards we had a slight snack (cheeze-its and Kool-aid). It was a fun and rewarding activity and all eleven of our youth were present!