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Showing posts from October, 2007

Fixing a Flat Flip-Flop

I'd never changed a flat on a flip-flop until Saturday. Usually when a floppy goes it's time to buy a new one; unless you don't have the money or your in a pinch! At the special missions emphasis ministry opportunity for the kids of Habiteto one of the “Missions Team” kids from Calvary lost the tip of the front yoke of his flip-flop. I asked him what he was going to do about it he began looking for something to fix it. You can always find something on the ground here, usually something that you'd rather not touch. After a bit of looking he looked at me and said, “Can you fix it?” Then it was me looking for that “handy” object. I found a 2” staple and quickly twisted it around the broken yoke-tip and the flop was flippin again! There were 97 kids at the club in the blistering sun for the ministry opp. The story that Alexandre and Sandro told was of the two thieves who died beside Jesus with each thief giving his side of the story and the resulting eternal consequence. As...

On the Run

When one is off the net one tends to grab time when one can. As I type now, I am sitting in Ben and Dani's echoing house. I just finished painting the babie's room. Don't panic, there is no baby yet, though I wouldn`t be surprised if one doesn`t come soon (just a guess). Anyway, while contempating life disconnected from the internet I am realizing that one can live a good and productive life with out it. I believe that my spiritual life has improved. My communication with my wife and daughter has improved. And it is refreshing. I am the type of person that can get on the internet and go from one thing (whether, artical, software site, or blog) to the next without much planning or forethought. What was a tool becomes a stumbling block. In fact not long ago I said to Dawn, "Why on earth do I need to know what is going on on the other side of the world?" Not that "keeping up with the news" is necessairly bad, but it can be addicting and a become a time wa...

From the Cyber

This is my first blog from the cyber cafe close to home. We have had our second week of our in-home missions conference and our group was a bit smaller this past week. We had 18. Ben had a great turn out with several visitors. Davi too had six visitors which was Shawn, Donna and family. Pray for our two visitors who were Katia, Francisca's neighbor, and Marcio Francisca's husband. Both need Christ. Friday afternoon we had a suprise visit by Annie, Jackson, and Gabriel. They were able to stay with us through the weekend. Sunday we began a baptism class with three participating. Sunday afternoon I went to Habiteto to help with the ministry there. We had a group of over 40 kids. We are gaining the confidence of several families and will be making some visits in their homes soon. Pray for the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. Sunday evening Dawn helped put on a special presentation for Children's day and I preached from Matthew 18.1-5. There were several hands raised at t...

Portable Missions Conference

Our missions emphasis for October went suddenly from our normal, "Conference with a special speaker", idea to "Taking it to Them!" Missions in our Baptist churches here in Brazil seems to be a weak spot. So, to highlight the idea, our team decided to have the conference in several different homes during the month. Davi and family, Ben and Dani, and our family divided to conquer our neighborhood. Our part of the "mini-conference" took place at Francisca's home. With our members we had twenty which included five visitors. We had a good time of singing and fellowship around the Word. Afterward we had coffee and cake, always a nice touch. Of our visitors I know of at least one who is unsaved. Pray for us as we continue this effort for the rest of the Wednesdays in October. We'd like to see even more visitors and some serious missions decisions taking place in the near future.