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Showing posts from April, 2022

This Poor Man Cried

This poor man cried!  Men crying seems out of style these days. Men are to be brave tough and stoic. "Real men don't cry" is the battle cry, so to speak.  Yet we all know that crying is a natural reflex for either of the sexes. If you don't believe me, then just let a man watch a good "dog-rescue" video and you will see what I mean. There is a trigger point in every one of us, whether male or female, that when sprung, makes the tears flow.  However, in Psalm 34:6, David is talking about another type of crying. There he's speaking about a desperate call for help. It is the type of shout that we hear Peter squeal as he began to slip beneath the boding waters of the Sea of Galilee in Matthew 14. David was in deep doo. According to the suspect, title of this psalm, he was brought before a pagan king and accused of treason. An act that would bring instant death in most cases.  The title is suspect because this lovely psalm it doesn't fit that weird circum...