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Showing posts from November, 2006

The Beat Goes On

Thursday (Thanksgiving) was just another work day here in Brazil. While we as missionaries were sharing a luscious meal and the riches of God's blessings, our friend Roberto, and crew, were hard at work finishing the front entrance of the church. We now have two ramps and an official entry to the church. Next comes the door. We would like to have it all finished for our Christmas Cantata which will be held on December 16.


Psalm 100 A Psalm of praise. Make a joyful noise unto the LORD, all ye lands. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his presence with singing . Know ye that the LORD he is God : it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. Enter into his gates with thanksgiving , and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name . For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. Have you ever noticed how many commands are given in this lovely and short Psalm. Each are in italics above. We had over 40 friends at our annual TG BMM get-together. We sang and shared blessing of the past year. Uncle Marv Fray is shown sharing in the pic. He and his wife Diane had a tremendous influence on several of our lives.

Breaking News

Don't they look CUTE! They are! And just a few hours ago we got a call from Annie saying that she is PREGNANT! YAHOO! We are excited to say the least. It was an "Unexpected" pregnancy but they are already picking out names. It will be quite interesting to see how they balance a Bible College year (which will be full of extra classes) a job and a newborn. But, they are not the first to be in this situation and it is God's timing. So, keep them in your prayers. PS Don't miss my previous post about the Adult Retreat!

Couples Retreat

We had over fifty participating in our annual couples retreat. With two other churches plus ours we were excited with the turnout. The day was perfect with sun and low 80s with virtually no humidity. We had three challenges from the Word and plenty of play and food time. The six pictured here were the participants from Hope. Eduardo and Sandra (top) are a new couple. Ed and Jan have visited them several times in the last few weeks. Jan started a Bible study with Sandra last week. And, praise the Lord, she accepted Christ at the retreat today! Ronaldo and his wife Adailza (far right)are new too. They recently moved from São Paulo and have felt the Lord leading them to be a part of the ministry at Hope. We are excited with their arrival. They are a married couple with three little boys. Ronaldo has completed two years of Bible College and is excited about being a part of our church family. Ivone and Tabea are longstanding members and are both involved regularly in ministry. We praise the...

November 12 2006

November 12, 2006 The weather here is lovely! One year ago, in the States, we were taking pictures of the first snow that we had seen in years. This year it is back to the same old boring 75 to 80 degrees with sunny skies. Ho hum! What else is new? Are you feeling jealous yet? Hope so. Why, because we would love to have you come down for a visit. We haven’t had any visitors since our return. What's more is that you could participate in ministry with us. That would be fun wouldn’t it? And, speaking of ministry, we had a very good day Sunday. We celebrated Thanksgiving with a special service dedicated to testimonies, special music, and a good message from the Word. We had a good number out for the service and we had some visitors too. There were many tears of joy shed as families spoke of how God had blessed them and how they were used to be a blessing to others. We are in our fifth week of Bible study with Carlinhos and Mara and the questions that they are asking are more and more i...

Missions on the Mission Field

Our goal is to help our people see the need of Sending and not just Receiving missionaries. That is not as easy as it may seem. Different cultures have a different perspective of missionaries. Our goal is to help our people realize the they too can share the Gospel as missionaries. As a part of this training we had pastor Jair, vice president of our Bible College in Curitiba, as our key-note speaker for our anual missions conference. He challenged our people with the great need and our Lord's Great Commission. We enjoyed haveing pastor Jair in our home. One of the young people from our previous work, Alexandre, is praying about being a missionary to Paraguay. He presented a Power Point presentation about his two trips to that country. Pray with us that this young man might see God continue to direct him. Also as a part of our Conference, Dawn made some Korean stir-fry and Abby made some Sushi (cooked meat only please). We found a store that sold chopsticks and many of the people at...