Our goal is to help our people see the need of Sending and not just Receiving missionaries. That is not as easy as it may seem. Different cultures have a different perspective of missionaries. Our goal is to help our people realize the they too can share the Gospel as missionaries. As a part of this training we had pastor Jair, vice president of our Bible College in Curitiba, as our key-note speaker for our anual missions conference. He challenged our people with the great need and our Lord's Great Commission. We enjoyed haveing pastor Jair in our home.

One of the young people from our previous work, Alexandre, is praying about being a missionary to Paraguay. He presented a Power Point presentation about his two trips to that country. Pray with us that this young man might see God continue to direct him.

Also as a part of our Conference, Dawn made some Korean stir-fry and

Abby made some Sushi (cooked meat only please). We found a store that sold chopsticks and many of the people ate their meal with them. That was fun to watch!
The three day conference was a great time to fellowship and be challenged by God's Word.
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