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Showing posts from June, 2007

Me and the 1st Corvette

June 30 1953 The first production Corvette rolls off the assembly line at Chevrolet Plant Number 35, near Flint, Michigan. Sticker price: just over US$3000. Assembly line worker Tony Kleiber has the honor of driving the first Corvette off the assembly line. Same day 9:18 am Hazel Park, Michigan : Baby boy (a surprise to both Clyde and Venna Jewell) Michael David is born. Both the Corvette and Michael have gone through a lot of changes since their debut. The Corvette seems to be getting faster and more expensive every production year. As for me, I seem to be getting a bit slower and more expensive to maintain. In fact I was looking at an old man's feet the other day, their ugly nails, and pail features only to realize that they were on the end of my legs! I hadn't noticed how wrinkly they had become. While Rich and Susan were with us, I was playing Capture the Flag with the youth group only to have my left calf explode in pain. I thought that someone had kicked me really hard b...

Time Marches On...

Time doesn't stop. It seems to drag, it seems to fly but in reality time marches on one second after another. The Dobis' have been gone only a few hours but it seems like only yesterday that I sent Rich an email about a possible work trip to Brazil. In just a few days Ann will give birth to her and Jackson's first child. In just a few more days he'll graduate, or so it seems. Time is a plugger. It "comes at you fast" like the commercial says. Just the other morning I was reading Jesus' words in John John 9:4 I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work . Jesus knew that His time on this earth was limited and He had many things to accomplish. He is my example. My days are numbered and I need to be doing His work. Plugging along like time. Looking at Rich taking a picture of his work made me think about how often things look so complicated at the beginning of a project. In reality, for me the wiring of o...


Well the Brush Strokes of Life painting class is in the history books. It was definitely a hit and we had two more first time visitors tonight. Dawn and Susan were asked to come to tea by one of the visitors and will spend some time with Zelita tomorrow afternoon. Here are a few pix from the class.


Have you ever had to invent something from virtually nothing. That is what Rich found himself doing in today's wiring project. He invented the Jewbis (a combination of Jewell Dobis, I actually helped with the invention). With the Jewbis you have a couple of long aluminum tubes a small piece of wood to connect the two tubes, some plastic "binding twine" and a roll of electrical tape. What you do is: Throw the tape with the twine hooked from one truss to the other, stretching the twine to taut. Then you you stretch the wires (including light bulb) over the twine to their proper location. Sound fun? It ain't. But it got the job done for today. Tonight is the last of the art classes. They have been going well with good participation from our ladies. We have made some good contacts and are asking for God's blessing on the seed that is being planted. In the pictures you see Jan doing the translation for Susan. Susan helping Zelha, Alenildes, and Isis. And Fransisca on h...

Three Kilometers of Wire!

Rich has studied, and studied, and studied, and has begun to hang a lot of wire. We've bought over three kilometers of it and are now hanging it from the rafters. We were also able to take part in a Valentines Banquet tonight (Valentines day is June 12 in Brazil). It was fun and we again had several unsaved spouses there. Tomorrow we are planning a trip to an open market and more wire hanging along with youth group and the second paint class. More pix to follow!


Arrivals can be exciting. In just a few days we are expecting the arrival of our second grand baby and our first grand son. It is an exciting time. Rich and Susan Dobis arrived yesterday for their first visit to Brazil. They will be here for 10 days to help in ministry as I've already mentioned. And of course we needed to prioritize their visit. So, we went to the ice cream shop last night to get them acquainted with the culture. They are already liking it! Today we will begin the electrical work and tomorrow the art classes will begin. We'll keep you posted.

Can one person make a difference?

As Christians we know that One person has made a difference in our lives. We often forget that through Christ we too can make a difference as "one". We remember Adam and the difference that he made. One that we would love to forget. We remember Moses and the difference that he made. Men like Abraham, Noah, Paul all tell stories of one man who made a great difference. Not to forget the ladies; we remember Eve, Sarah, Hannah, Rebeca, Rehab, Mary, Priscilla. All women who made a great difference in the course of their history and ours. When I am tempted to get discouraged I remember these characters and many others in the Bible, and in my life, who, as one person against the odds, made a great difference. This past week, June 4 to be exact, was the seventeenth anniversary of the massacre in Tienanmen Square. To my shame, I lived through that event but never really paid much attention to it's significance until this past Friday. As I was looking at the headlines I noticed one...

Missions on the Mission Field

Saturday we had the double blessing of having the quarterly youth rally (Hope, Calvary, New Life, and Bible Baptist of Jundiaí) at our church. We had 40 young people present for games, fellowship, and snacks. e also had missionary pastor Divino from Mozambique Africa with us for an evening mission challenge. With the addition of the adults for this special service we had over a hundred present to hear of the work in Africa. It was a challenge for our people who have never been exposed to a real live missionary (other than us Americans). Divino is a Brazilian who felt God's call and has really pioneered the field of Mosambique for our movement. There were several testimonies given in our Sunday morning worship time of the blessing received from that challenge.

Gospel Art

No, we're not talking chalk talks we are talking God's direction in several lives. What started as an idea to complete the electrical part of our auditorium ended up being that and an evangelistic art class for the ladies of our neighborhood. Rich Dobis is an electrician, his wife Susan likes to paint. While talking to Rich about the possibility of coming down and helping us I noticed Susan in the background (I was using Skype video phone) and said, "You should bring Susan down!" When I said that I noticed that she quickly glanced at the camera and with a slight smile said, "I'm afraid of flying!" I thought that that was the end of the conversation with regard to her coming to Brazil. As God would have it He provided enough money for two people to come within hours of our Skype conversation and Susan had change her mind and was now interested in coming. In fact she wrote a note telling me that she was willing to be used in any way that the Lord might se...