Have you ever had to invent something from virtually nothing. That is what Rich found himself doing in today's wiring project. He invented the Jewbis (a combination of Jewell Dobis, I actually helped with the invention). With the Jewbis you have a couple of long aluminum tubes a small piece of wood to connect the two tubes, some plastic "binding twine" and a roll of electrical tape. What you do is: Throw the tape with the twine hooked from one truss to the other, stretching the twine to taut. Then you you stretch the wires (including light bulb) over the twine to their proper location. Sound fun? It ain't. But it got the job done for today.

Tonight is the last of the art classes. They have been going well with good participation from our ladies. We have made some good contacts and are asking for God's blessing on the seed that is being planted. In the pictures you see Jan doing the translation for Susan. Susan helping Zelha, Alenildes, and Isis. And Fransisca on her own.
As I mentioned in an earlier post we had a very good turn out on Thursday night with twenty one present. Saturday night was a bit leaner with only nine. However, we are expecting a good turnout tonight and have really been excited about the participation of Nelson's wife Sonha. She has enjoyed the classes and been there both nights. We want to see the Lord do a special work in her life.
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