We had a safe but slow arrival from Curitiba with baby and all. Just before leaving the city I stopped to put diesel in the van and got a bad batch. So for the last third of the 6 hour trip we could only go about 20 miles per hour. That was fun. But we arrived safe and sound. Ann and Jackson and Gabriel will be in Sorocaba for a couple of weeks (one of which with us). Sunday night we had a different type of service, we sang, had a message on worship, and roasted marshmallows (which none of the Brazilians had ever done before!). It was fun and well attended (54 present). One prayer request. Fenanda, a grand dauhter of one of our members has been visiting for three weeks now and will be leaving for her home in Sao Paulo this Saturday. Pray for Carilinhos and I as we make a visit on her Monday night. We will be presenting the Gospel and would like to see her come to Christ before her return home. Tuesday I will be traveling to Sao Paulo to help Annie and Jackson in the process of gett...
These are devotional thoughts from a guy who lives in Brazil. I recount personal experiences and Bible applications with most of my posts. These "thoughts" are mostly for me but if you want to, you can read them too!