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Showing posts from June, 2008

What God says He does!

I was studying in Isaiah 46 last week and preached vv1-10 Sunday night with the title, “Who or What is Your God? God gave Isaiah and interesting comparison between the false god's of Babylon and He, the True God of Israel. In defeat the Babylonian gods had to be rescued and carried on already overloaded beasts of burden. Jehovah carries and protect His created ones from cradle to grave and beyond! He cares about my ups and downs too. That is always a comfort to any minister. I bring this to mind because we were down yesterday. We had our 50 plus but I had been praying for a lot more. Friday and Saturday we had our annual couples retreat and the Lord provided good weather and good company. Several of the participants had favorable comments about the fun, fellowship, and Bible challenges that Terry and Wendy Broyles brought. They were our guest speakers and did a great job in challenging our couples to improve their serve. The Sunday Bible study with Eliana and kids went well and th...

Welcome Aunt Stephany

One of Ben's former students from Saginaw Michigan arrived on Thursday and was a part of our Bible club on Saturday. Stephany said, shortly after the club ended, "That was the most exciting thing that I have ever been a part of!!" It was fun having a visitor and next week I think that we will have her give her testimony to the boys and girls. We had a low turnout with just 8 boys and girls. The blessing came when I got to church and Jose Carlos was the only one there. After waiting for about 29 minutes I finally said, "Jose, there is going to be no club today." I was sad but didn't know what else to do. Then, 7 more kids showed up and club was on again! Just after club we went nextdoor and had our second Bible study with Eliana and her five children. She had more questions and it was again a blessing to be able to answer them. Continue to pray for, Eliana, her daughters Marcia, Sabrina, and her sons Edson, and Tadeu. All need Christ.