In defeat the Babylonian gods had to be rescued and carried on already overloaded beasts of burden. Jehovah carries and protect His created ones from cradle to grave and beyond! He cares about my ups and downs too. That is always a comfort to any minister. I bring this to mind because we were down yesterday. We had our 50 plus but I had been praying for a lot more.
Friday and Saturday we had our annual couples retreat and the Lord provided good weather and good company. Several of the participants had favorable comments about the fun, fellowship, and Bible challenges that Terry and Wendy Broyles brought. They were our guest speakers and did a great job in challenging our couples to improve their serve.
The Sunday Bible study with Eliana and kids went well and this week I challenged them to really think about their relationship (or lack of the same) with Christ. I'm praying that within just a few days that I'll have the wonderful news of their salvation.
The trip to Refuge Garden was put off until this Tuesday. So we are planning on making a return visit to the house where the four accepted Christ just three weeks ago. Carlinhos wants to see how the new converts are doing and to encourage them to be in church.
Friday we begin a three day Bible conference with a visiting Brazilian pastor. Ernesto and his wife Luzia will be staying with Dawn and I and we are looking forward to some good fellowship.
Continue to pray with us about housing in the Lake Orion area.
Ann and Jackson and Gabriel are in Michigan and doing well. Both are looking for work and if you know of anything they would love to hear from you. Their e-mail address is
The picture below is one that I took just two weeks ago of my Junior's
Sunday school class. Aren't they cute!

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