National Assistance, this seems to be the catch phrase of the year. Every news cast talks about "bailouts". Leaving us wondering about where all of the money will come from. We have been hearing the "Trillion" word a lot lately. So much so that we barely blink anymore. But how much is a trillion dollars? I found this information by doing a Google search and clicked on the first entry on the list: "What's a trillion dollars? A trillion dollars = $1,000,000,000,000.That's 12 zeroes to the left of the decimal point. A trillion is a million million dollars.
The U.S. government spends more than the entire Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Australia, China and Spain combined. If you laid one dollar bills end to end, you could make a chain that stretches from earth to the moon and back again 200 times before you ran out of dollar bills! One trillion dollars would stretch nearly from the earth to the sun. It would take a military jet flying at the speed of sound, reeling out a roll of dollar bills behind it, 14 years before it reeled out one trillion dollar bills. (
Our nation needs the assistance that only God Almighty can give us and He seems to be the furthest option from the minds of most politician and citizen. He is more than an option. He is The answer. I believe that we are in such difficulty becaue we have turned our backs on His all powerful assistance.
However, the National Assistance that I am thinking about has nothing to do with the United States' financial difficulties. I am thinking of two families who have given all that they have to train for the ministry.
It has been nearly a year since Ronaldo and Tuca and their sons: Mateus, Lucas, and Tiago, and Sandro and Gislene, and their two sons: Juan and Josue, left to begin their seminary training for ministry. When they first left I put out a plea for financial help for these two families and two churches and one couple responded with generosity. Approximately $2,800 was given. These funds have helped pay for their education for this school year. Just this morning I looked into the balance of the National Assistance account and discovered that there is just over $200 left of those funds.

On the one hand I praise the Lord for His help and supply for these two couple. Every penny of this money has gone to pay for schooling. These couples have been provided for. What a blessing!
On the other hand I would like to extend the challenge again to you. Would you be willing to help these two families again for their return to their studies? God provides and He usually uses people like you to supply the needed funds. These couples have given their all and are trusting in God for His supply.
Earlier in the year they sent thank you notes to the churches and individuals who had given to help them. In my move from Brazil to the States those notes never got sent to the respective contributors. Forgive me for this laps but let me share the idea that those notes communicated.
"We thank you for your kindness in giving to our need. We know that it is God who has supplied our need but we thank you all for the sacrifice that you have demonstrated to help make our plans successful. Just a short time ago we didn't know how we would be able to realize our dream of studying at seminary. But, your gifts came at just the right time. In fact we had to borrow a small amount to make our move to Curitiba. But upon our arrival we saw God bless us with your kind gifts. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and pray for God's rich blessing on all of your lives. We would like to get to know you. If you would please send us your names we will thank you personally. Sincerely, Ronaldo, Tuca, Sandro, and Gislene"
As our nation and especially our state of Michigan look to the near future and one of the most difficult financial times of our history could it be that you would be able to share the burden of these two couples again? They will study as long as they can. They have ended this year with no outstanding school expenses. This is mostly because of the gifts that they have received from you, our friends and supporters. Gifts of any amount would be welcomed and will be applied directly to the seminary's account. Checks can be made out to Baptist Mid-Missions, Mike Jewell/ National Assistance. PO Box 308011, Cleveland, OH 44130
Please pray about your part in this effort. And thank you in advance for your gifts and prayers for these two families.
The U.S. government spends more than the entire Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Australia, China and Spain combined. If you laid one dollar bills end to end, you could make a chain that stretches from earth to the moon and back again 200 times before you ran out of dollar bills! One trillion dollars would stretch nearly from the earth to the sun. It would take a military jet flying at the speed of sound, reeling out a roll of dollar bills behind it, 14 years before it reeled out one trillion dollar bills. (
Our nation needs the assistance that only God Almighty can give us and He seems to be the furthest option from the minds of most politician and citizen. He is more than an option. He is The answer. I believe that we are in such difficulty becaue we have turned our backs on His all powerful assistance.
However, the National Assistance that I am thinking about has nothing to do with the United States' financial difficulties. I am thinking of two families who have given all that they have to train for the ministry.
It has been nearly a year since Ronaldo and Tuca and their sons: Mateus, Lucas, and Tiago, and Sandro and Gislene, and their two sons: Juan and Josue, left to begin their seminary training for ministry. When they first left I put out a plea for financial help for these two families and two churches and one couple responded with generosity. Approximately $2,800 was given. These funds have helped pay for their education for this school year. Just this morning I looked into the balance of the National Assistance account and discovered that there is just over $200 left of those funds.

On the other hand I would like to extend the challenge again to you. Would you be willing to help these two families again for their return to their studies? God provides and He usually uses people like you to supply the needed funds. These couples have given their all and are trusting in God for His supply.
Earlier in the year they sent thank you notes to the churches and individuals who had given to help them. In my move from Brazil to the States those notes never got sent to the respective contributors. Forgive me for this laps but let me share the idea that those notes communicated.
"We thank you for your kindness in giving to our need. We know that it is God who has supplied our need but we thank you all for the sacrifice that you have demonstrated to help make our plans successful. Just a short time ago we didn't know how we would be able to realize our dream of studying at seminary. But, your gifts came at just the right time. In fact we had to borrow a small amount to make our move to Curitiba. But upon our arrival we saw God bless us with your kind gifts. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and pray for God's rich blessing on all of your lives. We would like to get to know you. If you would please send us your names we will thank you personally. Sincerely, Ronaldo, Tuca, Sandro, and Gislene"
As our nation and especially our state of Michigan look to the near future and one of the most difficult financial times of our history could it be that you would be able to share the burden of these two couples again? They will study as long as they can. They have ended this year with no outstanding school expenses. This is mostly because of the gifts that they have received from you, our friends and supporters. Gifts of any amount would be welcomed and will be applied directly to the seminary's account. Checks can be made out to Baptist Mid-Missions, Mike Jewell/ National Assistance. PO Box 308011, Cleveland, OH 44130
Please pray about your part in this effort. And thank you in advance for your gifts and prayers for these two families.
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