Today, February 21, 2010 we started Sunday School at Faith Baptist Church in Sorocaba (can you hear the sounds of trumpets in the background?)! We had 37 present with a few that we didn't expect. Dawn taught the ladies, that's right ladies! Up to today we have had "lady" as in singular. Dawn taught, Marcia, our regular, Amanda, Marcia's daughter and Rosie. Rosie is the one that was a surprise. She has a teen son, Guilherme, who came to Christ several months ago but she has showed little interest in church. We have been having a Bible study with her for the last 10 weeks and on a number of occasions we have presented the Gospel which has forced her to evaluate her relationship with God. Just yesterday Dawn said, "Are we going to continue our study with Rosie?" No. Was my answer. Then she comes today! Praise the Lord! Pray for her salvation. I taught the Juniors (its my lot in life) and had a blessing of a time doing so! Actually it was the biggest class o...
These are devotional thoughts from a guy who lives in Brazil. I recount personal experiences and Bible applications with most of my posts. These "thoughts" are mostly for me but if you want to, you can read them too!