Planning always makes camp run smoother. It was planning and a great camper/worker ratio that made this year's effort a special blessing.
Our speaker was evangelist Barry Webb. He is a chalk artist, puppeteer and practical preacher of God's Word. Everyone was awed by his chalk drawing and we saw three of our twenty kids make decisions for Christ as a result of brother Webb's preaching. And one more came to Christ on Sunday!
Our camp theme was Missions so Alexandre divided the kids into two teams, Japan and Switzerland, for a rousing competition. Dawn made flags for the two delegations and her cooking kept us all going. We had some fun Mike Jewell type games to add to the drama and Alexandre's enthusiasm and organization dovetailed every effort.
To literally top it all off a local ice cream company donated over thirteen gallons of their luscious product for our camper's consumption. It was our friend Alcir, the world famous sandwich man, who made that part of our menu happen and we thanked him with every lick.
On Wednesday we savored the ice cream as Switzerland was highlighted and on Thursday we all ate Yaksoba with chop-sticks as the Japonese quzine filled our hungry tummies. And after each meal it was all the ice cream you can eat! It was the first time that I had ever reused an ice cream cone. Alexandre thought that we might run out of the cones so he made us reuse our cones for each new scoop! I think that Wellington and Jefferson held the record for ice cream consumed.
With a missions theme each camper had to memorize the plan of salvation using CEF hand method to remind them of key points. Some of the kids actually had an opportunity to practice on one of the unsaved moms who was helping in the kitchen! More tomorrow!
Our speaker was evangelist Barry Webb. He is a chalk artist, puppeteer and practical preacher of God's Word. Everyone was awed by his chalk drawing and we saw three of our twenty kids make decisions for Christ as a result of brother Webb's preaching. And one more came to Christ on Sunday!
To literally top it all off a local ice cream company donated over thirteen gallons of their luscious product for our camper's consumption. It was our friend Alcir, the world famous sandwich man, who made that part of our menu happen and we thanked him with every lick.
With a missions theme each camper had to memorize the plan of salvation using CEF hand method to remind them of key points. Some of the kids actually had an opportunity to practice on one of the unsaved moms who was helping in the kitchen! More tomorrow!
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