Sunday Alexandre announced the first annual Music Recital for his students. He has nine who will be participating in either piano or recorder. For kids who didn't even know what a musical note was just a few months ago this is a huge accomplishment! Recital and Habiteto are such contrasting terms. The two words don’t seem to go together. Alexandre isn’t bothered by that misconception. He is so right. When you think about it Habiteto and Gospel don’t go together either. But it is just the Gospel that will make Habiteto a habitable place to live. We’ve seen that change already taking place. I was talking to a music teacher the other day and he commented on what a change had taken place in Maicon’s life since he had started going to church. I told the teacher that it was the Gospel that had made that difference. It is making a great difference. Alexandre has been working with a group of kids over several months. He has had some pi...
These are devotional thoughts from a guy who lives in Brazil. I recount personal experiences and Bible applications with most of my posts. These "thoughts" are mostly for me but if you want to, you can read them too!