Sunday Alexandre announced the first annual Music Recital for his students. He has nine who will be participating in either piano or recorder. For kids who didn't even know what a musical note was just a few months ago this is a huge accomplishment!
Recital and Habiteto are such contrasting terms. The two words don’t seem to go together. Alexandre isn’t bothered by that misconception. He is so right. When you think about it Habiteto and Gospel don’t go together either. But it is just the Gospel that will make Habiteto a habitable place to live. We’ve seen that change already taking place.
I was talking to a music teacher the other day and he commented on what a change had taken place in Maicon’s life since he had started going to church. I told the teacher that it was the Gospel that had made that difference. It is making a great difference.
Alexandre has been working with a group of kids over several months. He has had some piano lessons over the years and he can play when given a weeks notice. But he has taken this tiny group of children and given them confidence in their new found and developing skills.
On Father's Day my blog had the above picture of several of the kids playing for their dads. It was such an incredible scene. The dad's who were there to hear it were really touched.
So, this Friday the kids will be playing the numbers that they have been working on for several weeks now. We are praying that the dads will take the time to come and enjoy the Recital 2010. It will be the first but I'm sure not the last. Stop by if you are in the area.
The last two Sundays we've had Brazilian missionaries representing the Amazon (North, jungle) and Porto Alegre (very south Brazil). It has been great to expose our people to Brazilians who have dedicated themselves to mission work here.
Yesterday my message was on the second of the Beatitudes, Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted. Matthew 5.4 One hand was raised for salvation at the invitation. There were other unsaved there. Pray that God's Word works during this week in those lives.
We are still praying for God's direction with regard to land, lots or houses. We spoke with the caretaker of a huge piece of property next to Habiteto during the week. He said that he would talk to the owner for us about the possibility of a donation. Pray with us about this.
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