There are a shortage of cellos at the school where we are giving English class. One of the precious instruments literally came unglued recently. So Junior gave me the task of gluing it back together. I don't have C-clamps nor those handy little spring-loaded jobs from Home Depot.
As I scratched my head thinking about what to do I said, "Father, what can I use?" At that moment my dad's Vice-Grips popped into my thought-cloud. I grabbed my trusty Swiss Army knife, some sandpaper and glue and off I went. I happened to have a piece of carpet pad and I had borrowed the glue from the school.
The reconstructive surgery lasted about a half an hour. So, at this very moment there is a cello recooperating on our bunkbed. By next week, hopfully this cello will be squawking errrr playing sweet music once again!
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