God throws his burning anger at the godless person (Job 20.23)
Another visit to Hell is due today. How many times have you heard someone say, “I'm living in Hell right now!” It may be a bad and seemingly eternal marriage, a hellish neighbor causing havoc or a terminal disease gnawing a worn body that induces this statement.
Life can be grueling, heartless and terrifying. It can betray, belittle and befuddle. There are no guarantees outside that of the Bible and Salvation in Jesus Christ. However, whatever the situation this life is not Hell.
You may have lost your parents, husband or girlfriend. Or you may not have lost them. You may have a demon of a boss or brother-in-law. You may be in a dead-end life but, it is not Hell.
Hell is beyond description. We've never seen or experienced anything like it. If a person jumped into the gaping mouth of an erupting volcano it wouldn't be as bad as falling headlong into Hell.
R.I.P doesn't exist in Hell. The dearly departed is shocked into vivid consciousness by the instant and overpowering smell of burning sulfur. Torment is overwhelming and immediate. Every nerve functions and is excruciatingly provoked.
Have you ever had a kidney stone? My wife says that the pain is worse than that of childbirth. I don’t know about that side of the story but I do know that it is the most torturesome pain I have ever experienced. I once awoke to a dull ache in my right back. As I came to my senses “KIDNEY STONE” flashed across my groggy brain. Drinking water suddenly became a priority.
As I walked toward the kitchen to get some water something horrible began to well up from the depths of my soul. It was a slowly encroaching agony. A quick thought seized me, “This pain isn’t going to go away. It is coming and I’m not sure how I am going to handle it.” I handled it by passing out and smacking my chin on the floor.
In Hell every nerve ending will feel the horrendous pain but it won’t be slow in coming and there will be no fainting. The rich man in Luke 16 found this out. The text says that he was, “in torments” (23).
If you’d like a minuscule taste of what Hell is going to be like try the following experiment. If you have a gas stove light one of the burners. Then stick just your baby finger over the flame for a minute. More than a minute and the nerves become unresponsive and you won’t get the full sensation. Remember, in Hell nerve endings never become unresponsive.
You are probably either laughing about now or you’re saying, “Mike! You are an IDIOT!” I admit that you’d have to be an IDIOT to try the above experiment. However, you may be playing Russian Roulette with something bigger than your baby finger, your soul. Without a saving faith in Jesus Christ the experiment may become a full fledged and hellish reality.
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