So often kids express out loud what we adults are thinking. Sundays in Sunday school lately we are playing the part of investigators. Our investigations have taken us to a better understanding of God. We have looked at his Omnipresence, omniscient and today’s lesson was about how Creative He is and how that God has given men minds to invent and think of new ideas.
During the lesson I spoke about God’s eternal existence. He never didn’t exist. As I mentioned this fact, that we adults often take for granted, a couple of the girls had huge questions. I could tell by the hazy look crept over their cute little faces.
Tais, who is always thinking and asking good questions, immediately raised her hand. “Pastor! God never began?! I can’t even comprehend that!” I told her that this aspect of God’s character is AMAZING and impossible for anyone to comprehend.
Rebeca sat beside and she leaned over and said to Dawn, “If God was never born then He doesn’t have a BIRTHDAY!” I laughed hard later as Dawn related Rebeca’s comment. She is such a stitch!
That IS amazing in a kids mind. NO birthday, WOW. It really is impossible to imagine but we adults have heard this fact so often that we don’t even let our minds go there. We think, “Oh yeah, God is eternal” without thinking about all of the implications and ramifications of such a thought.
If we would dwell on God in childlike wonder more often we’d be as amazed as Tais and Rebeca. WoW! God never had a beginning and he will never have an end. How can it be? It can be because our God is WONDERFUL and ETERNAL. Whatever that means.
Awesome thoughts and you are so right. I have always been a very accepting type so i don't think about something a lot unless i think it's wrong. When it comes to God and someone says He always was and will always be i'm like okay, i'm good with that and never give it a second though. Hmm i don't know if that's good or bad. Anyway, thanks for sharing and it's good to hear the children are really listening and thinking about what you are saying. God bless and have a great Sunday! Praying for you all!