carry the silver and gold, which the king and his counsellors have freely offered (Ezra 7.15)
Through the years I have often envisioned myself in a giant MONOPOLY game. I am terrible at MONOPOLY. Most know that MONOPOLY (I think that it needs to be spelled with all caps) is usually a dreadfully long game. Many times I have avoided embarrassment simply because I didn’t want to spend hours playing. Or rather hours waiting for everyone else to finish.
I am usually the first one eliminated. It is a proven fact. I can’t seem to win.
MONOPOLY is a game of strategy and luck. This mix can be fun when you are a good strategist and when the luck is going your way. But when the die does you bad you’re out in a flash.
I’ve tried to start small with Mediterranean and Baltic Avenues and grow. I’ve tried to start big with Park Place and Broadway and crush every opponent. I’ve tried the old barter system, buy a little of everything. I’ve tried to own all of the Utilities and Railroads but usually to no avail. I’m out first.
What if just before my swift exit a MONOPLY king and his court decided to offer me a bunch of the funny money? I could take all that I needed. That would be sweet. I might actually win a game!
What if that scenario happened in real life? What if just when all looked lost a king and all of his courtiers took up a freewill offering and came to the rescue with a boat load of gold and silver? Wouldn’t that be nice? I can see the heads nodding.
“When did this ever happen” you might ask? I read it just yesterday in Ezra seven. It happened just as the seventy-year captivity was ending. Artaxerxes, the king of the world, commanded that any Jew who wanted to could return to Jerusalem. He then made an astounding proclamation. He said, “Oh by the way, my men and I have taken up a collection of gold and silver that you can take as you like.”
THAT my friend was not normal protocol. There was something going on here. The reason for the king’s benevolence is seen in verse six where the text says that the blessing of God was upon Ezra. Because the blessing of God was upon Ezra the king was making an offer difficult to turn down. “Take all of the gold that you will need. Take the silver too! In fact if there is anything else you might need take that too.”
Ezra did. He lead a group back to Jerusalem. History was made.
Wouldn’t you like a similar situation? I would. I don’t want an early out of the MONOPLOY game of life. I want to at least survive. In fact I want to win. But wait a minute here. Could a scenario like Ezra’s happen to me?
Actually it has already happened! Jesus’ sacrifice at Calvary opened the Heavenly treasury. He offers more than gold and silver. He offers eternal life at His side in the presence of God. He offers an inheritance that will never fade in its glory. Think about it. Where is Artaxerxes’ gold these days? It may be a part of your wedding ring. Jesus offers security with His investment. Do you want it? Take it. No really, take it!
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