To See the Two Lots click Here
For years I was considered a “wise” missionary because I had an investment that would be wonderful when it came time to retire. That was until the financial crisis hit. Now if I tell anyone that I have a house in Michigan I get that, “Oh my! You poor soul!” look.
Isn’t it funny what we consider a good thing? Our house in Michigan hasn’t changed much over the years. We’ve had and have great renters. The income pays the bills each month. But when the crisis hit our “investment” took a tremendous hit.
Here in Brazil, which promises to be an “up and coming” country it is interesting to watch people clamor for their piece of that “good investment” pie. I have been informed that I need to jump on that bandwagon. I would if I had any money!
Our tiny church is taking a “David” (ie. David vs Goliath) step of faith just now in this up and coming real estate climate. Lots here at the north end of town have skyrocketed in price in this last year. When they were more in our price range we didn’t have the cash. Through out this past year and the faithful giving of many Brazilians God gave us enough to by a lot. But now the lots are double the price.
To make this long story shorter just this last Friday Alexandre talked with the owner of two lots. The man wanted R$85,000 for the two. Samuel and Alexandre “talked him down” to R$79,000. So, we have a verbal agreement. If the zoning restrictions check out and we can indeed build a church there we’ll begin the process of building.
With the money we have in the bank we can make a good dent in the R$79,000 but we’ll need to borrow too. That will mean two years of R$1000 per month payments. Which to the average American church member seems like pocket change. But to a tiny church of 35 mostly kids it seems like a fortune!
So if you would pray for us and for God’s direction in this huge, for us transaction we would greatly appreciate it. If you would be interested in helping us we’d be open for that possibility too. Thank you for upholding us in prayer and financial help.
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