Camp was FUN! Thirty two kids and seven leaders had a blast living together and learning from God's Word.
Our special guest speaker this year was none other than King Nebuchadnezzar from Babylon! He shared his prospective on the life of Daniel. What made this story even neater for our kids was that one of them is named Shadrack!
Ben Jacobs played the king and Ben Broyals played Daniel. They were perfect for each part. Except for the fact that both were blue eyed blonds!
The kids were spell-bound as they listened to each installment of the story. We knew that they were paying attention because many questions were asked afterward and their answers were great. Some of them even earned a little of the king’s gold (chocolate coins) for their good attention.
We broke into devotional groups in the mornings and it was great to be able to share principles of Reverence and Respect with my five boys. This year we had leaders in training: Amanda, Lucas and Dani helped Ben Broyals, Ben’s sister Lydia and Jenifer Swedberg in their groups.
Dawn again worked her wonders in the kitchen with help from Joelma for two of the days. Alcir, Maria and Val also helped put on some luscious meals. We also had all-you-can-eat Ice Cream again this year! Yay!!
The kids made many great decisions and we’ll be with them through out the year to help them follow through on those important steps in their spiritual growth.
Two days after Camp pastor Alexandre, Amanda, Graziele and Alison left for Curitiba to share our ministry with five churches there. We have received the majority of our financial help from three churches there and our team will present at Atuba, Salem, Portão and Calvário. The fifth church is pastored by one of Alexandre’s seminary buddies and is about an hour south west of Curitiba. The team will go there on Wednesday.
On Friday before he left Alexandre and I went to pick up a copy of our blue-prints. Our church will be small but it is starting on the right foot with all of the legal steps being looked after. One of the costliest will be getting the prints OK’d by City Hall. Pray us through this Huge step.
One last note. Our house rental agreement expires at the end of the month and we need to find a place to live. Ask God for His guidance to the right house and neighborhood. It could be the start of our next church... we’ll see. Thank you all for your important part in our ministry.
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