We just received 7,700.00 Brazilian buck to continue the construction! This gift was 13 years in the making and comes just as our need is greatest. How did THAT happen?
A complaint was lodged thirteen years ago in the Brazilian legal system. Today a need was met as a result of that suit. I try to imagine all of the twists and torchered turns that litigation took for that money to end up buying more cement for our "bit-o-nothing" project.
When that case went to court pastor Alexandre had yet to begin his five years of seminary training. He was just one year old in the faith. Now he is pastor of Faith!
The system here is corrupt. Just yesterday I heard a phrase from a veteran businessman. “The right are wrong and the wrong are right!” he hissed through teeth almost as crooked as the system.
Here drug dealers, murderers and pedofiles walk and widows are assessed exorbitant fees on defaulted loans co-signed by long dead husbands. It happens daily. The cry is always the same, “We want JUSTICE!” which scarcely comes.
But this week the system was trumped when a wrong was righted, our Father intervened and a gift was given. It was an, “out of the blue”, answer to prayer. It will keep the work going for a few more weeks. It was a “God thing”.
There were actually two gifts this week! The second was for a mere 1056.00 American Bucks. It was just five months in the making. The events that shaped and guided these two, worlds apart and years apart, donations that dropped into our checking account on Friday, are seemingly unrelated. The money, however, was deposited by our loving Father. The two gifts total 10,056.00 in Brazilian cash! It is marvelous news that took thirteen years to unfold! I wonder what is in store for next week?
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