Abby and Monise were asked by several teens, during our recent retreat, if they were sisters. Monise is in her early 20s and attends New Life Baptist Church here in Sorocaba. She is a rare Brazilian in the sense that she was raised in a Christian home. Her parents came to know Christ as a result of Ed and Shawn`s work at New Life. Abby too was raised in a Christian home. Which sadly to say seems to be becoming a rarity in the Unites States too. Living in Brazil has enlightened us to what it means to be part of a pagan nation. A nation with no Christian roots other than those taught by the Roman Catholic church.
We were again made aware of the perversity of paganism as all of the "dazzle" of carnival was splattered over every TV channel. We live in a nation in need of prayer.
Abby and Monise ARE sisters! Sisters in Jesus Christ the coming King of the universe! Pray for us as we eagerly work to see Him convince others to become our brothers and sisters in the Faith. We await His soon return!
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