This week has been distinguished by many blessings. The Easter week is of course our privilege as we remember the Power of the Gospel demonstrated in the death, burial, and resurrection, of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I will be preaching on that blessed event tomorrow from 1 Corinthians 15. Pray with us for souls saved.
This week too has been bringing healing to my surgered arm. Is surgered a word? Anyway I am even now with my keyboard propped up on one side of my chair so as to get a “non-hurting” angle for my left arm. I’m progressing! I didn’t want to imagine two months of the hunt and peck method of communication.
On Tuesday Ed and I made a visit on a young lady and her mother. Naomi had visited several weeks earlier and works so much that it was difficult to get a visit in. Both she and her mother had some good questions though she left us with the understand that she is searching for a certain feeling before she will be able to “fit into” the church. Ed explained that faith is much more than feelings and both she and her mother were touched by his illustration.
Friday saw Dawn and Abby participating in a youth activity with the teens from Calvary. It was more of a transportation issue than anything else but they had a good time of fun and fellowship with the group.
Also during the week I sent out another plea for electrical help to a friend at FBC Lake Orion. Rich Dobis was quick to respond to “Where the Lord leads I will follow!” As I asked several on our prayer list for financial assistance we were excited to see the Lord respond with more than enough to bring Rich down for the project. Praise the Lord!
Tomorrow we will celebrate Easter with an early breakfast at the church and then in the evening we will have a special choir, bells choir, readers theater, before the message. We are praying for a work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of our people and those who will be visiting. Pray with us as we pray for you.
This week too has been bringing healing to my surgered arm. Is surgered a word? Anyway I am even now with my keyboard propped up on one side of my chair so as to get a “non-hurting” angle for my left arm. I’m progressing! I didn’t want to imagine two months of the hunt and peck method of communication.
On Tuesday Ed and I made a visit on a young lady and her mother. Naomi had visited several weeks earlier and works so much that it was difficult to get a visit in. Both she and her mother had some good questions though she left us with the understand that she is searching for a certain feeling before she will be able to “fit into” the church. Ed explained that faith is much more than feelings and both she and her mother were touched by his illustration.

Also during the week I sent out another plea for electrical help to a friend at FBC Lake Orion. Rich Dobis was quick to respond to “Where the Lord leads I will follow!” As I asked several on our prayer list for financial assistance we were excited to see the Lord respond with more than enough to bring Rich down for the project. Praise the Lord!
Tomorrow we will celebrate Easter with an early breakfast at the church and then in the evening we will have a special choir, bells choir, readers theater, before the message. We are praying for a work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of our people and those who will be visiting. Pray with us as we pray for you.
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