Soon to change! With the year speeding on (seemingly faster than in past years) we are looking forward to the plaster man's arrival. Altemir will begin to demonstrate his plaster prowess next Monday; turning this barn like structure into a church. I know all of the theological ramifications of that last statement but you know what I mean. Our building (where the church meets) is lovely in the basement and ugly in the upstairs. We want to move our tiny (45 to 50) group of believers into new digs (upstairs) and open up the front so that people passing by will stop by for a visit. We have had many say, "We didn't even know that there was a church on this street!" We want to take away that excuse. Pray for us as we attempt to bring the construction phase of Hope to a pleasing close.

We had a good turn out for all of our evangelistic efforts yesterday. Our breakfast, Sunday school, and evening services were well attended. This Friday will see the second of our monthly "Men's Meetings". Davi started this last month and it was a hit with our small group. Also, the last Sunday of the month will be a morning service, dinner on the grounds, and afternoon worship / testimony time. Pray for these special times.
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