The sign says Igreja (Church), Batista (Baptist), Esperança (Hope). Um igreja basiada na Palavra de Deus. (A church based on the Word of God).
The night view shot is a bit blurry but it was a really neat view. The new look has already called attention to itself. During our working hours we had several people comment and one car stopped in the middle of the street to ask about when our services were. If you've been here you know that stopping on our street is dangerous because of all of the cars that pass (10,000 in an 8 hour period!). Sunday morning we had a family visit. So, I'm excited to see what other results our new look will have in the coming weeks. We praise the Lord for providing us with the funds to complete these two projects.
On Friday a lady was passing in front of the church and asked to speak to the pastor. I didn't look much like a pastor that day but was able to share the Gospel with Sandra. She accepted Christ and said that she would be in church on Sunday (she wasn't). Pray for this new convert that God will work in her heart and life for His glory.
Robert and Jane Kilko, missionaries to the Jewish community in Niteroi (near Rio), were with us for a Bible conference. Here they are giving a demonstration of a Passover celebration. It was very interesting to learn, from a different perspective, about something that we have been celebrating for years
We begin to plaster the auditorium tomorrow (4/24). We hope to be in it within the next few weeks. Stay tuned!
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