Lately they are beginning to take steps. Looking like little old men and little old ladies they wobble, stagger, and drop their way from one side of their box to the other. Unlike little old people we know that their time of running and jumping is yet ahead. They are learning to walk one step at a time.
This is similar to church growth. It happens gradually. Though I often want to see instant results it doesn’t happen that way. We take our first wobbly steps then fall flat on our face. We get up and try again only to take another nosedive. Praise the Lord our church has never really taken a stumble. We continue steady with our forty-five (give or take five on any given day) and we praise the Lord again for growth in many of these brothers and sisters.
Thinking about growth, I have an unspoken request. I hate unspoken requests; I never understood how I was to pray for something I knew noting about. But, that said, I have one. Pray for a delicate situation that could and will be resolved when the person involved realizes that they need to surrender their life to God’s control. It is a thorny situation because a wrong heart attitude will affect many people. This is working into a spoken request isn’t it? Anyway, you get my point. Pray for God’s will and protection.

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