It started early Monday morning at the hospital and ended with me leading games at Youth Group (Dawn didn't like that). It actually seemed like a short week with the one day hospital stay and the day of "recoup". We had a pastor's get-together on Friday with all of the local pastors participating. Saturday we had Teacher's training with four different classes. And then Youth Group. It was fun!

Sunday morning Carlinhos taught the memory verse for the first time! He's growing. In fact he brought his brother Walter to Prayer Meeting in Wednesday. He says that Walter has seen such a difference in Carlinhos, that he wants to know what happened. So, Carlinhos has offered him a Bible study!
In the top picture, Abby tries to catch a cheese-it in her mouth without using her hands, as part of the team challenge games we had on Saturday night. In the other pic, pastor Davi is taunting my father-in-law with a big juicy steak, that he was cooking at the pastoral get together.