For five months my Juniors have been saving their nickels, quarters, and dollars, to buy a special Bible for a missionary. It is the Child Evangelism Bible, recently translated into Portuguese, with tons of resources in it. It is an excellent tool that every missionary (or Sunday school teacher for that matter) should have. The cost? R$98.00! That is more than most of them have ever seen in their young lives. During the weeks of saving it has been fun to watch them counting the change, adding it up, and being anxious to give more.

The day finally came, last Sunday, when we reached our grand total goal of R$101.50! So, I set a time for the class to go into town to pick up the special gift. There is a really nice little bookstore called Imago Dei (the Image of God) which has many good books and several that I would love to be able to purchase for our class library. We're praying to that end, that God would open someone's heart for a book purchase.

Anyway, we went to the store and the kids had fun looking at the books, cards, puppets, and other goodies. There was a choice to be made. The Bible comes in a hardcover (cheaper) version and nice leather bound version. The kids decided that they wanted to spend the extra R$20 to get the better one. I was proud of them.

Afterward, we stopped by the house to see the puppies then we went to another store and bought some ice cream. In a few weeks we will make a trip to the missionaries house to deliver our gift of love. This is real missionary work and it is fun to see my kids excited to be a part of it!
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