August 9, 2007
I have been reading the Bible a bit differently this year. I wanted to get a better grip on the New Testament and in my past readings I usually reach the New Testament in October or November. So, this year I am reading two chapters in the Old Testament (one in the poetry books and one in the rest, Law/history/prophecy) and two chapters in the New Testament with an additional chapter in the Gospels, to get better acquainted with my Savior. Did that sound complicated? It really isn't.
Anyway, I was recently in the book of Galatians and was awestruck by the simplicity with which Paul explains the liberty that we have in Christ. In essence, we have been called to liberty... to server one another! That immediately struck me as a tremendous contrast, liberty to serve.
My liberty in Christ presents me with the privilege of serving the Savior. But it also insists that I serve my brothers and sisters in Christ. As I exercise this freedom I will begin to exhibit what Paul details in verses twenty two and twenty three as the fruit of the Spirit. The battle between my flesh and the Spirit (v17) is tireless and thus I need to constantly remind myself to walk in the Spirit.
This truth has helped me recently. I have been able to better control my tongue, thoughts, actions, and reactions. I have been a believer in Jesus Christ for many years but I still have that continuous fight with my flesh as I'm sure you do. But, each time I gain the victory I am spiritually stronger. Not that I don't have to be alert to diabolical attacks of the flesh but I am encouraged that the Spirit is gaining precious ground in my walk with Christ.
I have noticed that the fight with the flesh is a worldwide battle. It is not limited by international borders. Living here in Brazil, a country not founded on Christian principles, it seems that the flesh has won the battle. Pray for our people and our family as we ministry to our Christian brothers and sisters at Hope Baptist Church.
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