Two cameras and eight teenagers mixed with several "mysterious" locations, and a time limit, made for a lot of fun last Saturday night at youth group. Ben had the idea of driving around town, taking pictures of different locations from differnt angles, and having the kids try to duplicate them as close as possible. We (Ben and I) were the drivers and we were to say nothing about how to get to the different locations. The kids had to look at the pix on the two cameras and then direct us.

I think that my team won! Ben thinks that his team won. Oh well everyone had fun.That's Paulinho with his strange "glasses" at right. And above were (left to right) Ariel, David, Barbara, Rafaela, and me, with Ursinha and Shiba (who seems quite bored with the whole idea. It also looks like both Ariel and Ursinha have the shys).

Ben's message that night was "God is Suficient". It is a concept that many of our young believers cannot grasp. The verse they were to memorize was Psalm 23.1
The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want. I am not saying that anyone of us can grasp God but it is an interesting and wonderful challenge teaching our people about Him, who really
is sufficient!
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