Have you ever had your car stolen? I have and it was not a fun thing to experience. Sunday morning as I unlocked the van I noticed that the key was turning hard. On closer examination I noticed that someone had jammed a screwdriver into the hole trying to jimmy the door open. So much for leaving the car on the streets from now on! And thank you Father for preserving the simple!
On Saturday our sixty voice choir met again for our second practice of the cantata The Greatest Gift. The people are doing a fine job and it is neat to see Davi taking the reigns of that large group and doing a good job. Our presentations will be on the third Saturday and Sunday of December. Pray for that evangelistic event.
This Thursday the three churches will be together again for a picnic. It is a holiday here in Brazil and we will take advantage of the day for fun and fellowship. Friday we go to Sao Paulo for Thanksgiving. We´11 be celebrating a bit early this year because of some scheduling problems. But it is always a treat to get with other believers of the same faith and language!
Hope has seen a bit of a growth spurt lately and we are now hanging around the 70 mark in attendance. It is great to see the room where we meet nearly full. We are planning on using the auditorium for the cantata. This will be it's inauguration and we think it will be an attention getter.
Maicom came with another question on Sunday afternoon. “Pastor, what happens when someone sins and doesn't confess it?” I was glad to explain to this budding theologian that God forgives but there are always consequences to our sin. I will be starting a Bible study with him Monday night. Pray for his continued growth.
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