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Showing posts from December, 2007

Opposite Extremes!

December 14 through 24 has been a whirlwind! It began with a call from Amy (1:00pm) just as we were leaving to clean the church for the Christmas cantata. "Dad, I just wanted to let you know that uncle Bruno passed away last night...." It was one of those terribly expected but still shocking calls. After a one year battle with brain cancer the Lord had taken Bruno home to be with Him. As I stood grappling with those emotions I began to think about the possibility of being with my sister Martha. The grappling came as I began to put the proverbial two plus two together and it kept coming up 5. Christmas time is a horrible time for travel. Add the nearly 5000 miles between New Jersey and Sorocaba and it gets "impossible". Impossible, unless you've got connections that is. "I'd like to be with her Lord, but your will be done." was my faithless prayer. I decided to call a friend who always seems to get those deal of a lifetime tickets. "Let me make...

From our family to each of you...

We want to pray you a blessed time of remember our Savior's birth. As we share special times with family and friends let's not forget to share with them the blessings that God has showered on us this year of 2007. Some of you have gone through difficult times this year. Some have suffered the loss of loved ones. But through it all we have seen God's hand of blessing and grace measured to each and every need. As we count our blessings we will reflect Christ to those around us and especially to those who are without the hope of salvation. May the Lord use us during the holiday season and throughout the coming New Year to spread the Gospel message. We are gratefully with you in His service. -- Mike, Dawn, and Abby Jewell

Bruno - September 1959 - December 2007

Christmas usually means presents, giving. My family, as missionaries to Brazil, lives on the monetary gifts of others. Bruno and Martha and their family have been a part of our support team since the beginning. Through his life Bruno has given to many. I was talking to Hank, Bruno's dad, just the other day and he was commenting on Bruno’s willingness to give. He mentioned a time that he and Elta were going to get a new car. Hank called Bruno and offered the car to him. Bruno flew to Florida, drove the car back to New Jersey and gave it to a family that he knew who needed a car. Hanks comment, “That is the type of man he was.” Bruno gave time to his church. He loved to sing, he participated in dramas, and he spent hours in church business meetings and deacon’s meetings. I know that Ed will dearly miss his counsel. Bruno gave good advice. I had considered purchasing a house in Brazil and had talked to several respected friends and pastors who had agreed that it would be a good idea. ...


Wrinkles stink! A friend of mine, who was setting beside me at Cantata practice last weekend, took my camera and took a close up of my face. MAN, do I have wrinkles! When looking at “older” people I don't think too much about their wrinkles. But when looking at ME, that is another story. Wrinkles are really a sign of experience aren't they. They tell of years and years of experiences; some good and some bad. But, before this note turns into an organ recital let me say that God is good! In my reading this morning in Psalm 28.7 I read these words, “ The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him.” Thank the Lord that He is my strength, shield, help, joy, and praise! I couldn't handle the wrinkles of life without Him. Last Sunday evening we celebrated high school Graduation. Five of our young people have completed that part of their lives and we had 85 friends and family ...


In my last update I mentioned that Jackson had earned the Student of the Year award. That night at graduation it was announced that he had also earned the academic excellence(equivalent to the valedictorian) award as well! So, needless to say (though I'll say it anyway) we are very proud of our son-in-law! Our trip home from Curitiba with all of Ann and Jackson's worldly possessions in a small trailer went well. We thanked the Lord for Shawn and his willingness to help with that move. Ann, Jackson, and Gabriel will be living with us for a few months until their move to the States. Pray for us as we adjust to our new living arrangement. We think that it will be fun. Please pray that this thought continues to be a reality in the coming days. So far so good. Saturday our teens participated in the quarterly youth rally which includes our three churches, Hope, Calvary, and New Life. For the first time that I can remember we had more teens than Calvary Baptist! We praise the Lord...