Through his life Bruno has given to many. I was talking to Hank, Bruno's dad, just the other day and he was commenting on Bruno’s willingness to give. He mentioned a time that he and Elta were going to get a new car. Hank called Bruno and offered the car to him. Bruno flew to Florida, drove the car back to New Jersey and gave it to a family that he knew who needed a car. Hanks comment, “That is the type of man he was.”
Bruno gave time to his church. He loved to sing, he participated in dramas, and he spent hours in church business meetings and deacon’s meetings. I know that Ed will dearly miss his counsel.
Bruno gave good advice. I had considered purchasing a house in Brazil and had talked to several respected friends and pastors who had agreed that it would be a good idea. But after talking with Bruno I decided that it wasn’t the Lord’s will for us; his advice was simple, to the point, and just made sense.
He has given himself to help my sister, my mother, and my family. He gave a loving and solid influence to Martha. He was businesslike but kind and he gave his all in everything that he did. He understood the principle of giving until it hurt. Remember the paper rout days?
Bruno and Martha gave of themselves to Mom Jewell. He had their new house specially modified to accommodate her needs, so that she would have a comfortable home. Mom could never effectively convey her deep gratitude but in one conversation I remember her saying with tears, “Mike, Bruno really loves me!”
Our family marveled at the compassion that Bruno showed to mom. Yet, when I mentioned the possibility of placing mom in an assisted living facility Bruno said something like, “We do this because we want to.”
Was it easy to have mother-in-law living with the family for over 10 years? No. Did that matter? Again, no. “It is what we do.” He told me, end of argument.
God made this possible. Bruno allowed God’s love to shine through his life especially in the area of giving. Bruno loved the Lord. He wanted that fact to be known. Many say that they love God, but it is hard to see in their lives. You could see it in Bruno’s life.
Love for God is demonstrated because God allows it to be. 1 John 4.19 says it clearly in these words; We love (God), because he first loved us. In that same chapter verse 8 tells us that God is love. But God is also demanding. He demands total dedication and accepts nothing less than total commitment, a total giving of self. Jesus once said, "If anyone wants to follow me, he must say no to himself. He must pick up his cross every day and follow me.” (Luke 9.23).
I believe that it was this type of giving that Bruno wanted to exemplify. I believe that this was his life goal. When Bruno invited Christ to take control of his life he was accepting that challenge. Total dedication to something or someone means giving, sacrificial giving. Bruno knew that.
He realized that he himself was needy, he knew that he wasn’t perfect, and he accepted Christ as his Savior. He then gave his life to the ministry of giving.
Have you given yourself, heart and soul, to Jesus Christ? He gave Himself totally for you! Why not accept His gift today? Accepting the gift of salvation is a commitment and not to be taken lightly. Bruno didn’t. But, could there be a greater Christmas gift? No. Talk to someone today. Accept the Gift that Bruno accepted.
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