January is our very wet, rainy, month and invariably we seem to “fight” the downpours each year during our VBS week. This year God blessed us everyday with just enough sun to keep us dry and going. In fact, every day, He held off the rain until just after our Bible School time. Only on the third day did it look like we were not going to escape without getting drowned. The clouds were ominous (and only if you've experienced a Brazil rain do you know what I'm talking about. Remember the storm scene in the Wizard of OZ?)! It was funny too because our theme was Adventure at Sea! and all of our games were water games. I told Ben, “It can't rain! If it does the kids won't want to play in the water!!”

With our trust was in The God who controls the rain clouds (cf. Job 26.8) we got just a few sprinkles at the very end of game time on Saturday (and some blamed those on my weak prayer life! But, if you could have only seen those clouds!)! Praise His Name! Just as we were doing the closing and getting our treats it let loose.

We had several children who made decisions during the four days. I spoke with two little girls on Saturday; Bárbara, and Maria Lis, and both (9 and 10) realized that they had sin in their young lives. Both were touched by the Bible story and prayed to receive Christ as their Savior. Sunday we had a special Sunday school/VBS time and had a few visitors. Eduardo and his older sister Marcia, who live right next door to the church, came for the three days of Bible School and were there yesterday morning too.

Theirs is an interesting story. Their father was a faithful member for a number of years at the Mormon church just up the street. He was also out of work for a number of years and decided to make a go of it by selling candy. His little store has been doing well for awhile now but because his store is open on Sunday he was expelled from the Mormon church. Pray with us that we might see Jose, his wife Eliana, Marcia, Eduardo, and their three younger siblings, come to Christ because of our Adventure at Sea!
Would you rather have rain or all the snow in Michigan this year?