It was kind of like that on Saturday night as we began the evening service at our annual Carnaval retreat (this year there were 65 teens who participated).
During the week I had put some ideas for my message on paper and had worked out an outline which I printed out to take with me. The retreat theme this year was Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire. The messages and devotionals were to revolve around our spiritual walk using these theme elements.
My message was on Wind (I guess that someone thinks that I´m an expert on that subject). I meditated on a comparison of the Holy Spirit and Air. My point was that we take air for granted, we can even ignore our breathing, but air is necessary for life. We can take the Holy Spirit for granted. We can ignore His work in our lives but without that work there is no eternal life.
Anyway, back to the, “And there I was...” thought. I had worked on my message and thus could remember most of the content. But in the move to camp I lost my outline (SMACK). I searched everywhere but to no avail. Praise the Lord I had several hours during the day to prepare again.
We began the evening service with some singing but after the second song the power went out (SMACK)! It wasn't just a bad breaker it was neighborhood wide. Near total darkness reined except for the glow of a few cell phones. I told Jackson, “I don't think that the Lord wants me to preach this message.” He responded, “Or maybe the Devil doesn't want you to preach it!”
That gave me new resolve and I whispered a prayer, “Father, I trust You, the God of Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water! Help your feeble servant to preach in the power of Your Holy Spirit!” As I introduced my message it began to thunder and lightening. Of course the total darkness seemed to accentuate the explosions of light (SMACK)! However, God's power was evident as I preached and though I could not see one hand raised at the invitation I know that His Spirit was working.
It´s at this point in the story that I need to explain a bit about the location of this years retreat. It was held at two different chácaras (by definition a “small farm or country house”), one for the girls and one for the guys. The two chácaras were in what you might call the “Boondocks”. I can't remember how many people, during the week, said to me, “How on earth did you find this place?!” I could only shake my head to their question and say that I wasn't a part of the selection process.
Shortly after my message I began the trip home. It was the first night of camp and I wasn't familiar with all of the twists, turns, bumps, and pot-holes yet. My GPS wasn't cooperating either so I headed in the direction that I thought was correct. It wasn't! About 20 minutes into the trek I came to an “impassable 500 meters.” It's forty five degree tilt, with pot holes that would have made the lunar rover wince, stared me directly in the face. My four cylinder Kia van wasn't up to the challenge.
“And there I was...” In the middle of nowhere with no phone (cells didn't even work out there), no one near by, without lights in a seemingly hopeless situation. I again whispered a prayer, “Father, keep me safe and help me to get through this mess.” I could feel angel wings pushing up that cow path!
Ten minutes passed and another “impossible” passage arose from the darkness. Again God was with me and even though it took four tries I finally made it to the top!
I finally arrived home to find Dawn somewhat better. However, during the night she awoke coughing. She coughed so hard that somehow her wind pipe closed up. She rushed out of the bathroom with a terribly panicked look on her face and I knew that she was in big trouble. Praise God, she had set her inhaler on the sink and I was able to arm it quickly. It was at that moment that I realized that if the Holy Spirit hadn't protected and directed my passage Dawn would probably have died for lack of all things, AIR!
Praise be to God for His protection during the various aspects of that intriguing night! And as Elihu once told Job, “The Spirit of God hath made me, and the breath of the Almighty hath given me life” (Job 33.7). And, in that life there are purposes that will be realized as God protects and directs.
It's really wonderful to see how God works through different situations. It was not the best retreat I've ever been to, but God was there for sure, talking to each one of us.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see that you have faced things this way, trying to be faithful each moment.
Keep serving, pastor, cuz your work is not vain if it is for the only One who deserves it.
May He continue to bless your ministry.
In Him
ReplyDeleteI'd be interested in you in put as to how we could do a better retreat next year. I've already started my list of ideas and first on the list is getting the chacara NOW.