Have you ever been in such a sitution? This will date me but I remember my teacher walking into class to announce the president Kennedy had just been shot (I was very very young). I can still feel the tingle when I heard president George Bush (the first) draw his imaginary line in the desert sands. I remember hearing the news and then seeing the destruction on 9/11. In each of those I knew that I had witnessed something really important in our history. On Saturday, I think that I was a part of something really important in the history of Hope Baptist Church. Carlinhos had abruptly announced in Sunday school the week before that we were going to start a kid's club on Saturday (news to me)! The kids had responded postively. But kids have short memories (unless you've promised them a raise in their allowance or to pay for their college education). Anyway, the week went on and Saturday loomed. I wondered if we would have anyone come. I had mentioned it to several kids during the we...
These are devotional thoughts from a guy who lives in Brazil. I recount personal experiences and Bible applications with most of my posts. These "thoughts" are mostly for me but if you want to, you can read them too!