In the last two weeks we have had two dogs in Sunday school. A week ago one of our ladies brought a friend. Louisa was invited and came as a part of our Sunday school contest. She has this dog that is always with her. Where she goes the dog goes. When she comes and the dog comes. She came and that dog came! We didn't count him as one of our visitors, though we would have liked to (We count feet and divide by two!).
I was quite surprised as I rounded the pew and noticed bowser seated very nicely next to Louisa. I petted and welcomed him just after I welcomed her. We're praying that Louisa comes back.
Yesterday we had a visit from one of my old amigos, Mark. Mark is the neighbor's dog. I got to know Mark (Mark is not his real name I just call him that because he marks everything that doesn't move) early in our construction of Hope Baptist Church. As we would work near his territorial boundary (remember that beat up old wall?) he would go into spastic rages, barking and spitting as if he would tear your leg off if you crossed his line of demarcation (pun intended). One day we removed a good portion of that wall with a huge back hoe and there Mark stood with his beady little eyes popping out and nary a word to say! Since that day Mark and I have become best buddies.
Yesterday morning, just before our monthly business meeting, Mark showed up. As I went forward to present the budget he followed me as if he was administrating the meeting. There we stood, Mark and I, in front of the congregation (and him looking for a place to mark).
Ben had to shoo him away (mean guy). The funny thing is that only Ben made the move to skedaddle the dog! It was a scene from a classic missionary letter. My report just wasn't the same without Mark.
Kidding aside, in the last two weeks, along with the dogs, we have had 23 human visitors, including seven ladies who came to be a part of our annual Mother's Day Tea. We are praising the Lord for these encouragements and are looking forward to fruit from our follow-up visits on them.

Another fruit, happened on Wednesday. Ana Luiza convinced her mother, Bartira, to come to Prayer Meeting! It was her first visit as well. I was very excited because I have been praying for her salvation since our first visit in her home six weeks ago. Please keep praying for the salvation decisions of these two ladies and others with whom we've had recent contact here at Hope. If it takes a dog to get them to come to church, that's OK with us!
I remeber somebodies dog who kept a couple of guys locked in the bathroom all night.