We had a busy week with the 18 man BJ soccer ministry team here from Thursday until Sunday afternoon. There were several exciting opportunities to share the Gospel and literally hundreds heard the message. Many were talked to one on one and several made decisions for Christ! (That is Gil with the kids from next door at right.)
Wow! That was refreshing to write.
Things around these parts are definitely getting exciting. Which makes it even harder to think about leaving for a year! Our Sunday school class had 10 kids for the second week in a row! And that with 4 visitors. Jose Carlos, a little boy I met while talking with the kids next door, and who basically lives on the street, brought his parents to church last night and both raised their hands for salvation! Carol, Ana Luiza's friend was back too and she also raised her hand at the invitation. Man do we have work to do. I am so thankful for all of your prayers and look forward to sharing what the Lord will be doing in the near future.

Another blockbuster bit of news... Wednesday, Jackson and I were painting the Pepsi and Coke logos on the wall at church for our coming youth activity. During conversation I mentioned that I really wanted to start a Bible study with Eduardo and his family (the kids nextdoor). I commented, "I'm not sure how Eliana (their mom) will react." Jackson said, "I don't know either but I would hurry up with your idea because I saw the Jehovah's Witnesses leaving the kids house last week!"
That sent a cold chill down my spine. All of my "tippy-toeing" around to get them to come to Christ and I might lose them?! Almost immidatialy I went over and asked Eliana if she would be interested in a study? "We sure would!" was her quick reply! So we start this coming Saturday. Pray that we might see this whole family come to Christ very soon.
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