The following week the little boy was sick and didn't go to church. It was that morning that he got saved as his mother knelt beside the sofa and shared Jesus with him.
That occurred at 66 East Burdick Street, in Oxford Michigan on October 30, of 1960. The little boy's name? Michael David Jewell.
The kids were surprised to hear that the story I told them was mine. Pray that the salvation message of that precious story will penetrate their little hearts. Marcia told me outright that she doesn't want to get saved! For some reason she has been very adamant about NOT coming to church. Pray especially for her and her mom as I give them another Bible study tomorrow afternoon.
After nearly one week of eating my own home cooking I have yet to contract food poisoning. My special soup lasted six days and I am on my second batch of bread pudding. I am actually getting that recipe down to a science. Just now I have a crock pot of spagetti sauce cooking. But I will not test to see if the spagetti is ready to by throwing it at the wall to see if it sticks. I don't need the mess!
Speaking of messes, both of the dogs are now a Ben and Dani's house. It is a test to see if they will be able to stay there without killing Dani's cat. Hope it works!
Friday night I was invited to celebrate Micah Alexander's graduation from home schooling and his soon departure for the States. Micah's mom Donna is especially suffering with the idea of losing her second son. To be sure she is not losing him but when a child leaves the mission field it is never the same from that point on. Pray for Micah as he seeks God's direction in his life.

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