Did the scariness of the times warranted such an emphasis? I don't think so. In Brazil there is no Halloween because they still practice the Day of the Dead on November 1 (thus October 31 is all hallow eve). That sad practice has blinded generations to the true fear that they should have towards a Christless eternity.
With the godly moorings of our country fading further and further from our perspective we can be assured that the coming Halloweens will be even more strange
However, a lot of seemingly scary stuff has happened recently. With the crash of the stock market, the floundering auto industry, and the political climate, it is enough to make the bravest soul tremble. The bravest non-family member that is.
We have been encouraged and strengthened as we have fellowshiped with friends and family in a church where the pastoral staff preaches and teaches the unchangeable Word of God! Appropriately enough, Pastor Moreno has been preaching through the book of the Revelation. It is such an interesting, challenging, and helpful study in these interesting and challenging times.
We also have had opportunity of sharing, in some of our supporting churches, blessings that God has allowed us to be a part of this past term in Brazil. Encouraging others helps us to get our focus off our problems and back on our Savior who is in complete control of times like these.
With the elections finally over we look with anticipation to the future of our great country. We pray that as we meet some of you during these coming months that we will be mutually encouraged and busy in the work of our coming King. Pray that we will continue steady on His course of action and that we will be faithful to His cause. And we pray God's rich blessing on all of you.
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