Good questions and for me the answer is yes. However, the updates might not seem as plentiful as when I am on the field. Why? The answer to this question might seem a bit trite but it is reality.
When I'm in Brazil I write my updates without a care in the world. By that I mean that I write rarely thinking about whether or not I am going to put a persons name in the update. I know that there will be few that you will be able to pronounce and the ones that you can pronounce you'll probably never see this side of glory!
Now comes the dilemma, while in the States I feel that I need to protect peoples names. To me it seems a bit impersonal but definitely necessary.
With this thought in mind I'd like to relate an incident that happened just last week. During an eye exam the optometrist, in casual conversation, asked me if in our line of work we ever come in "contact with people who are HIV positive?" As the exchange developed I told her that we not only work with some people who are physically ill but that we help them treat their spiritual condition too.
She told me that she is Jewish and that recently her five year old son has begun asking questions like, "Mommy, why are Jews so special?" Her answer surprised me, "I don't really know... but we are!" That comment along with some other interesting observations lead to a perfect opportunity of sharing the Gospel.
I was amused as this educated woman gave her undivided attention to my presentation. She was so enthralled that she sat there for about a half hour looking at me through that funny little magnifying glass that optometrists use when preforming an eye exams. In fact, we were in the examination room so long that Dawn began to wonder if I had an ocular obstacle.
I invited "Olga the optometrist" (not her real name) to our coming "Harvest Event" at FBCLO. Pray with me that this "anonymous" optician comes to Christ.
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