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Nothing To Write About.

It has been awhile since my last update and I know that for some of you that has been a nice respite, for others, who actually like getting something now and then, I know that it has been quite a vacuum of information.

It seems that lately there has been nothing to write about. I can't call it writer's cramp because I don't write often enough to get a cramp. In fact I admire the writers who have a daily deadline and always seem to come through with substantive material. My writing once a week, however, is nothing like that. I believe that a weekly update is more than sufficient to satisfy the slightest inkling of interest from any caring soul and too much for those who consider my notes as spam.

But lately... life has been a bit drab. Snow up to the nostrils doesn't help, though my family is liking the snow this year. Bone chilling temperatures are not much of an incentive to creative writing either. It seems to freeze already atrophying brain cells into a sluggish stupor.

When we are on the field there is never a paucity of things to write about. And as I thought about the past few weeks it became clear that God is still very active in my life and that I had better share a bit of what He has been up to.

About a month ago I was in the church office talking to the secretary on Wednesday night just before prayer meeting. As we chatted a young man walked in and, in very broken English, said "I am here for the ESL class."

ESL, as many of you know, is English as a Second Language. I was surprised to hear that we had ESL at FBC but there seems to always be something going on that I am not aware of and I thought to my self, "How cool! That is a ministry that I would like to get involved with."

But when the secretary followed up the young man's inquiry with, "I think that you want Lake Orion School. This is a church." I knew that the ESL was not presently an option at FBC.

I noticed a startled look on the young man's face as he said, "Where is the school? I need to be there by 7:30!" By this time there were several people in the office and as we began to try and tell him how to find the High School it became clear to me that we were confusing the poor soul rather than helping him. So, I offered to take him to the school, or at least lead him there.

He followed close behind my car as one that didn't want to get lost, even though the journey was a short one. We entered the cavernous school and looked for signs of life but there didn't seem to be any. After what seemed like a mile walk and a bit of small talk we found the class room. He thanked me for my help and I left him there in the hall.

As I made my way back to the exit it dawned on me that, maybe, just maybe (I'm being facetious) this had been a God ordained encounter. In fact, I thought, I may not have helped this young man in the way that God had wanted me to. I heard my own voice say, "I need to give him my number! Go, back and give him your number!"

As I hurried back, praying that he would still be in the hall and doubting it every step of the way, I thought about how often I let seeming "chance encounters" like this one go unaltered by my heavenly relationship. As I rounded the final turn in the seemingly endless corridors I praised the Lord that he was still outside the classroom. I quickly gave him my number and said, "If you need conversational English I am available." Again, he thanked me and that was that.

The week went by and no call came. But then came Saturday. It was the Saturday of the Big Snow storm. "Which one? you ask, well I can't exactly remember but it was big enough that for the first time in a long time pastor canceled our Adult Bible Fellowships for the following morning. It was exactly that evening (Saturday) that I got a call. In very broken English I heard, "I want to come to your church tomorrow." I was ecstatic! And even though in the end he didn't show up that Sunday the contact had been a success and I was sure that there would be further calls.

Here we are a month later and there have been several such calls and encounters. He has come to church five or six times and I have been able to introduce him to several good friends at church who share an interest in his French and his spiritual need. One of those friends has had a good long conversation and we are seeing doors of opportunity opening even more.

Pray for my friend Landry. I would love to see his Stateside visit be the one that helps him to encounter the Savior! Now that would be something to write about!


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