To me Ed and Gerty Steward were that, enduring symbols. They were always a part of my life though not necessarily involved in my daily life. I cannot remember a time when Ed and Gerty weren't around.
However, that changed recently when they both passed into eternity just nine days apart. They didn't claim perfection. They never pretended to be super pious. They never claimed to be eternal but one of the things that their lives did demonstrate was the iconic attribute of faithfulness. For as long as I can remember they were a part of my church family.
Awhile back someone showed me a faded, black and white, photo of a young couples Sunday school class standing in front of the Baptist Church of Oxford. The picture must be dated around 1949 or so. In that group are: Pete and Ruth Ashley, Bill and Irma Ludwig, Clyde and Venna Jewell, Tom and Ruth Curtis, and Gerty Stewart, among others (Ed must have been taking the picture).
This tiny group began to affect my world before I was even born. Each young face in that faded picture represented a developing life that was committed to faithfulness in the family of God. Those lives were examples of what my life would be challenged to become and I thank my Father that I was privileged to know every one of those saints from my past.
Gerty Stewart played a special part in both Dawn and my life. She began a teen choir that she affectionately called Calvary's Messengers. Our group was not as professional as the teen choir lead by pastor Jim Watson at FBC Lake Orion today. We were not as polished. We didn't have stellar voices, and as a group we never became icons. However, the collection was about more than singing we were a family. We gathered once a week for practice, devotions, and prayer time.
God used Gerty's determination, musical skills, and desire to see teens serve the Lord to help me understand the importance of a job well done and service well rendered. She helped us all to realize the necessity of serving the Lord with our best. I will never forget her for that and I thank the Lord for the part that she played in molding my spiritual character.
Was her work Iconic? To me it was!
[Side note]: I wrote this entry on Wednesday morning. That evening Gary Stewart met me in the foyer at church and said, "I have something for you!" He proceeded to hand me the picture above! I couldn't believe it. I asked him if he had read my blog and he told me that he hadn't. Interesting.
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