I usually think of this blog as a ministry related extension. That is, I need to talk ministry or else don't talk. I've decided that I am going to change that format a bit and write about other things as well.
It is not that my thoughts are necessarily innovative or unique but I believe that they tell a story none the less. I love stories. They tend to relate details about a person that might not be revealed in a canned speech or monthly "prayer letter" format. I love to tell stories too. If you have followed this blog at all you probably have come to that conclusion. I like to write very interesting notes. But, I have come to recognize that "interesting" like art and perfume is people specific. By that I mean that each person is interested in what they are interested in. Some like it this way some like it that, so what is interesting to me might be completely boring or forgettable to you.
With this fact in mind I'll continue to write about what interests me, knowing that my audience will vary with each update. By the way, this might not mean more frequent entries but then again it might. For me it all depends on the mood. Some days I feel like writing and most days I don't.
So, here goes...
I'm looking at getting a GPS (not to be confused with a GPA, CPA, or FBI). I am a person that gets "lost" easily. I often tell people who are trying to give me directions that I am usually lost after the second turn.
I remember one time in Brazil, Ben and I were in São Paulo. We needed to get to a certain location. We were on foot and decided to ask for directions. As the man droned on and on with his, "Go down two blocks and make a left then go over to Oeuouerercw street and make a quick right then...." I stood there shaking my head in an understanding manner and off we went as happy as larks.
We walked and walked for what seemed like hours before Ben said, "Mike this place looks familiar." In São Paulo EVERYTHING looks familiar because it all seems dearly the same. As I brought that fact to his attention we rounded a corner and were smack dab in front of the place where, just one hour earlier, we had asked for directions!
Thus a GPS would be a real help. I was at Staples the other night and saw what looks like a really nice and economical ($79) unit. I am currently checking to see if it has Brazil as a mapped option. If so I might get it. Anyone have a good GPS story to relate?
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