The car story is just a "simple" story of God's care for people like me. About a year ago when I sent a prayer request to my e-mailing list about our need for a car, my sister responded and wondered if we would like to use her husband Bruno's Quest. He had passed away and the car was setting unused in her driveway. I quickly accepted her offer.
Because of our need to insure it here in Michigan she had to sell it to us (she "sold" it for a token amount of $1.07 with the seven cents being New Jersey state sales tax). We have driven it for nearly a year and loved it. It was the best car that I have ever owned.
When the economy went sour I wondered (doubted) if we would ever sell it. I put it on Facebook and one of my friends saw it.
As it turns out she and her husband had been praying for a car for a year and a half. I thought that it was interesting how that they had started praying and looking about six months before we got the car to use for the year!
I told the couple on Sunday, "That is why it has taken you so long to find this car. The Lord knew that we needed to use it for a year!" They ended up getting a deal and we were blessed to be able to present my sister with a check for the sale.
So, again my story about the car is one of God's care, direction and timing for each of His children. I know that it doesn't seem to always work out that way and that there are many times when God's timing seems to be a bit (or a long way) off. But I know that His timing is always right. That is comforting and has helped me to trust in Him even when things seem to be going SO wrong!
And as a postscript to this story of God's care, another of our friends is allowing us to use their Chevy Suburban for the rest of our time in Michigan. Thank you Father!
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