Have you ever told such a great story that you had people guessing the ending? During service today I was recounting a story that happened to me years ago in which I thought that I was going to die. I got near the end of the story and Tais who was right beside me said, "Did you live?" Everybody burst out laughing. The look on her face was so serious and her question was so funny.
We did have a good time around the Word in Psalm 107 talking about how we as Christians can react to troubles and trials that come suddenly into our paths.
Monday, Alexandre and João will be returning from their week long trip to Curitiba. He called me today saying that 17 people have joined our cause and will help us with the land purchase. One of my supporters too joined our team with a contribution. So, we only lack 77 more people or churches to fulfill our 10 month at $28 per month to buy our land! Pray with us about this one.
We are doing Bible studies with Daniele and her family and Guilhereme and his family and would appreciate your prayers for salvation decisions. Both Dani and Gui are saved but their family members aren't.
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